Business Consultant James Dhillon on How Strategic Diversification is Essential for Success

Running a business is not an easy task. Many have tried to do it successfully and failed. In the current market especially, due to the pandemic, the chances of growing an enterprise from scratch, or keeping one from going kaput, is particularly tricky. In these troubling times, it is necessary to diversify and adapt to the current status quo in order to preserve your business. To help with this, Business Consultant James Dhillon, owner of Automaters, talks about strategic diversification and how it is essential for success.

Dhillon was born and raised in England before moving to Canada in 2009 when he was 18. He dropped out of university, where he was pursuing a degree in psychology, to chase his ambition of becoming an entrepreneur.

Dhillon believes that since business options in a pandemic are lower than ever, entrepreneurs must learn to diversify their business strategy. Handling everything by yourself is not a very good plan, to begin with. Outsourcing work can do wonders. “Contactless working could be very beneficial in this pandemic. It lets the customer know that you are taking the necessary precautions from your side as well,” says Dhillon. By separating workers and their workload, things become more manageable. This is particularly necessary if you are a big company.

Entering the business right now with a new product might seem like a bad idea. However, if your product is necessary in the current scenario and something that the customers will be excited about, now is definitely the right time to launch it. Customer service requests are at an all-time high, according to Dhillon. So, automating your business to run through a centralized system will prove a blessing in the long run. Companies like Dhillon’s Automaters are especially apt at providing these services to their clients and upcoming or established businesses.

Strategic diversification is essential to ensure that entrepreneurs are not overwhelmed by the many peculiarities of their businesses. Dhillon’s passion lies in building businesses online and helping clients with their automation process. Not for any other reason does Dhillon run one of the most significant business development and consultancy agencies in North America right now.

Dhillon will also be launching a new company this August, Trusted Sauce. When it comes to ‘leading by example,’ James Dhillon is certainly at the forefront.

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