Greg Reynoso, also known as Greg Reckless, is running a podcast, ‘The Linq Up with Greg Reynoso” to support independent creatives. It is an excellent tool available for independent artists to showcase their talents by spreading the reach of their arts to new domains.
Greg Reynoso is a multi-talented personality who has established himself as a writer, culture journalist, host, and producer. He always tries to present a chance for independent music artists and emerging brands to showcase their talents.
Greg Reynoso has also founded Linq Magazine, an online independent arts magazine to help independent creatives gain exposure among their target audience. Only a few magazines or podcasts are available to help people from the independent arts community to make themselves count.
The LINQ Up with Greg Reynoso is an excellent podcast platform created by Greg Reynoso to give young talent an opportunity to realize their dreams by fulfilling their visions. Using this podcast/web series, independent creators can easily amplify their offering to gain popularity in the entertainment world.
Through his podcast, “The Linq Up with Greg Reynoso“, independent creators can take part in an open & true conversation interview with Greg Reynoso. It allows rising talents to convey their thoughts, personal story, and future plans to their target audience in their respective niche.
Greg Reynoso has a target in his mind to continue producing web series/podcast under the Linq Magazine brand. He plans to create shows using his unique ideas to help other creators pitch into them. The podcast is available on all major streaming platforms and there are many viewable episodes also available on YouTube.