4 Things to Know Before Getting Dental Implants

Before you get a false tooth placed, keep in mind the below points. They’d prepare you for getting dental implants.

Dental Health

From the many dental procedures, you could do, implants are one of the most complex. To ensure that everything would go well, you should maintain proper oral health. This isn’t hard to do. Start flossing and brushing your teeth daily before you get the implants. You can speak to your dentist and find out which things would improve oral health as well.

Do you smoke? This is something that would seriously affect your recovery time. Try and stop smoking 3-months before the procedure. Once the implants are in your mouth, you won’t be able to smoke either. Doing so would increase the chances of infection.

Dental Insurance

The implants would run you a bill of around $600 – $1000. Of course, the type you get and where you live would affect the price point as well. You should think of getting dental insurance. The total cost of the procedure would be less this way.

To help you save the most, look around before settling on a clinic. Some clinics near you may be charging especially high rates. Doing your research would help you avoid them.

Speaking of specific clinics, they might offer discounts or packages. You might be able to get the implants for a heavily reduced rate. Vaughan dental office and clinics are well known for offering deals like this.

Implant Type

Thinking about getting dental implants? There are three main types: endosteal, subperiosteal, and zygomatic.

From the three, the first most option is the safest. The implants would have a placeholder in your jaw, and be attached to them. Although the safest, it is the longest of the three. You can expect to fully heal in around 3-6 months. As mentioned, smoking during this time won’t be possible.

Subperiosteal implants are inserted on top of the bone that’s underneath your gums. A metal frame would be placed underneath the gum which the false tooth would be screwed onto. The healing process is relatively fast – 1 to 3 months.

Zygomatic implants are quite complex, as they would be attached to your cheekbone and not your jaw. Healing would take up to 4 months. However, you can expect the false tooth to last up to 12 years.


There are probably many clinics near you offering implants. Do your research, as you’d be able to find the best specialists near you. They would be experts at implants, so the work would be high-quality.

How do you choose an expert to help you out? Go through forums and reviews. Seeing what others have said would help you narrow things down.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to getting dental implants, a few things need to be considered. Do your research so that you can work with a clinic that is specialized to handle the job. This would help you know which dentists would charge the most too.

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