The Role of Communication in Large Organizations

Effective communication is the backbone of any successful organization. In large organizations, where the complexity and scale can be overwhelming, strong communication strategies are essential for smooth operations and high employee engagement. Sean Aloise, the Associate Director for Administration & Communications within Facilities Services at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), has spent years honing his communication skills and implementing strategies that benefit the organization. His insights can help us understand how effective communication can transform large organizations.

The Importance of Communication in Large Organizations

Large organizations often face unique challenges. With numerous departments, diverse teams, and a wide range of responsibilities, keeping everyone informed and aligned can be difficult. This is where effective communication comes into play. Communication helps ensure that everyone is on the same page, which is crucial for achieving the organization’s goals.

Sean Aloise emphasizes that communication is not just about passing information from one person to another. It’s about creating a culture where everyone feels heard and valued. “In large organizations, people can sometimes feel like just another cog in the machine. Good communication helps to break down these feelings and make everyone feel like a vital part of the team,” Sean explains.

Improving Operations Through Communication

One of the main ways that effective communication can improve operations in a large organization is by enhancing coordination. When departments communicate well with each other, it’s easier to coordinate efforts, avoid duplication of work, and ensure that resources are used efficiently. Sean Aloise shares an example from his experience at UCSF.

“During the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, our team had to quickly implement new protocols to ensure the safety of our staff and students. This required close coordination between different departments, including health services, facilities management, and administration. Effective communication was key to our success. We held regular meetings, used clear and concise emails, and made sure that everyone knew their role and responsibilities,” says Sean.

Another critical aspect of communication is providing clear instructions and expectations. When employees know what is expected of them and have clear instructions on how to achieve their goals, they are more likely to perform well. This clarity can reduce confusion, prevent mistakes, and improve overall productivity.

Sean Aloise notes that it’s also important to provide feedback. “Feedback is essential for continuous improvement. By giving constructive feedback, we help employees understand what they are doing well and where they can improve. This not only boosts their performance but also shows them that we are invested in their growth,” he explains.

Enhancing Employee Engagement Through Communication

Employee engagement is another area where effective communication plays a crucial role. Engaged employees are more productive, more committed to their work, and more likely to stay with the organization. There are several ways that communication can enhance employee engagement.

First, communication helps to build trust. When employees feel that they are kept in the loop and that their opinions are valued, they are more likely to trust their leaders and the organization. Sean Aloise shares a story about how this has worked at UCSF.

“We launched a campaign called ‘Voice of the Employee’ where we encouraged staff to share their ideas and feedback. We held town hall meetings, conducted surveys, and set up suggestion boxes. The response was overwhelming. Not only did we get valuable insights, but employees also felt more connected and valued. They saw that their voices mattered and that we were committed to making positive changes based on their feedback,” says Sean.

Second, communication can foster a sense of community. In large organizations, it can be easy for employees to feel isolated or disconnected from their colleagues. Regular communication, whether through team meetings, newsletters, or social events, helps to build relationships and create a sense of belonging.

Sean Aloise emphasizes the importance of recognizing and celebrating achievements. “Celebrating successes, whether big or small, helps to boost morale and motivate employees. It’s important to communicate these achievements across the organization so that everyone can share in the success and feel proud of what we have accomplished together,” he explains.

Third, communication helps to align employees with the organization’s goals and values. When employees understand the organization’s mission and how their work contributes to achieving it, they are more likely to be motivated and engaged. Sean Aloise points out that transparency is key to this alignment.

“At UCSF, we make sure to communicate our goals and values clearly and regularly. We hold meetings where we discuss our progress and challenges, and we encourage open dialogue. This transparency helps employees see the bigger picture and understand how their work fits into the overall mission,” he says.

Strategies for Effective Communication

Based on his experience, Sean Aloise offers several strategies for improving communication in large organizations.

  1. Regular Meetings: Holding regular meetings helps to keep everyone informed and aligned. These meetings can be used to share updates, discuss challenges, and brainstorm solutions. It’s important to create a space where everyone feels comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas.
  2. Clear and Concise Emails: In large organizations, email is often the primary mode of communication. It’s important to make sure that emails are clear and concise, with a clear subject line and a straightforward message. This helps to ensure that the information is easily understood and not overlooked.
  3. Feedback Mechanisms: Providing regular feedback is essential for continuous improvement. This can be done through formal performance reviews, informal check-ins, or anonymous surveys. The key is to provide constructive feedback that helps employees grow and improve.
  4. Celebrating Achievements: Recognizing and celebrating achievements helps to boost morale and motivate employees. This can be done through newsletters, awards, or social events. It’s important to communicate these achievements across the organization so that everyone can share in the success.
  5. Encouraging Open Dialogue: Creating a culture of open dialogue helps to build trust and foster a sense of community. This can be done through town hall meetings, suggestion boxes, or regular check-ins with managers. The goal is to make sure that everyone feels heard and valued.
  6. Transparency: Being transparent about the organization’s goals, values, and progress helps to align employees with the organization’s mission. This can be done through regular updates, meetings, or newsletters. The key is to make sure that everyone understands the bigger picture and how their work contributes to it.


Effective communication is essential for the success of large organizations. It helps to improve operations by enhancing coordination, providing clear instructions, and offering feedback. It also enhances employee engagement by building trust, fostering a sense of community, and aligning employees with the organization’s goals and values.

Sean Aloise’s experience at UCSF provides valuable insights into how effective communication can transform a large organization. By implementing regular meetings, clear and concise emails, feedback mechanisms, celebrating achievements, encouraging open dialogue, and maintaining transparency, organizations can create a culture of strong communication that benefits both operations and employee engagement.

As Sean Aloise puts it, “Communication is about connecting with people and making information accessible and engaging. When we get it right, it makes a world of difference in how our organization functions and how our employees feel about their work.”

About Sean Aloise

Sean Aloise is the Associate Director for Administration & Communications within Facilities Services at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). With over fifteen years of experience at UCSF, Sean has played a pivotal role in enhancing research support and improving facility management through innovative communication strategies. Known for his commitment to continuous learning and professional growth, Sean’s leadership and dedication have significantly impacted the UCSF community and the broader field of facilities management. Born and raised in Daly City, California, Sean’s passion for effective communication and community engagement has been a driving force throughout his career.

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