Apple’s Christmas sale surges a hundred billion-plus amid pandemic

The sales of Apple have hit another record. The record has happened as families packed up on the firm’s latest phones, laptops and gadgets throughout the global pandemic.
In the last three months of the year 2020, Apples’ sales have been more than $111 billion (£81 billion). The amount is more than 211 per cents sales of their last year.

The reason behind the gain is the pandemic that has pushed more activity online feeding need for new technology.
Apple now counts more than 1.6 billion active devices globally. The list though includes iPhones more than a billion.
Apple’s gain follows the release of its new iPhone 12 suite of phones. This model, according to the officials, had set the record on the number of people to switch to the firm or upgrade from their earlier models.

China is a country where the pandemic has already loosen its grips over the economy. Thus the growth was robust there. China had more demand for devices compatible with 5G networks. Sales in the firm’s greater China region which includes Hong Kong and Taiwan jumped to 57 per cent. In Europe, the sales rose by 17 per cent and in America by 11 per cent.
“The products are doing very well all around the world,” said Luca Maestri. Luca is Apple’s chief financial advisor. He added that as they look forward into the March quarter, they’ve very optimistic.


How pandemic helped the giants like Apple?

Apple recorded more than a hundred billion sales in just three months. The numbers are quite astonishing. The figure for Facebook has also increased from where they were last year.
While other companies have tried to sustain, Big Tech has flourished.
There are other causes for some of these improbable figures. Indeed, it seems iPhone fans were holding out for the new 5G equipped iPhone 12.
But it’s not just Facebook and Apple, all of the massive tech companies are having a bumper time.

The global pandemic has urged people to stay indoors more. Hence, staying indoors means staying online more, buying more, watching things online, and chatting online more.
Reasonably there is no wonder that these giant companies are posting such incredible figures.
But one other pint to this numbers as yet more evidence that these big tech companies are fr beyond the point where they might fail. The companies have become such a valuable figure.
These figures are impressive. But they also attract the attention of the politicians who are increasingly asking hard questions.

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