Renowned Beverly Hills Cardiologist Ernst von Schwarz, MD Discusses the State of Stem in New Book That Takes the Mystery Out of Modern Medicine Therapies

In our current healthcare system, physicians perform reactive medicine, which means diagnostic testing and pharmaceutical therapy is aimed at improving symptoms that occur secondary to damage or loss of function. Regenerative medicine, on the other hand, aims to repair damaged tissue and restore functionality by recruiting the body’s self-healing properties. With our aging bodies, we do lose the regenerative power of stem cells. However, stem cell therapy has the ability to partially induce regeneration of acutely injured or chronically damaged tissues. In fact, most clinical studies testing stem cell therapy for different conditions have shown beneficial results with very little adverse events (unlike the pharmaceutical therapies).  Stem cell pioneer and California cardiologist Ernst von Schwarz, MD, PHD, FESC, FACC, FSCAI is the author of an important news book, The Secret World of Stem Cell Therapy that should be read by anyone interested in anti-aging and modern regenerative medicine. It’s a well-researched, scientific data-backed informational guide to stem cell therapies from an unbiased doctor’s point of view. 

“Stem cell therapy is considered to be the most important discovery in modern medicine, likely bigger than the discovery of penicillin or the detection of the tuberculous bacteria,” notes Dr. Schwarz. “It is the path to rethinking the traditional dogmas of several pathophysiologic concepts. It also made us reconsider the definitions and meaning of cell death, processes of aging and degeneration, and the natural course of diseases.”

Dr. Ernst von Schwarz sits down with California Herald  about his book, The Secret World of Stem Cell Therapy, and regenerative medicine. 

What is your book about and what do you hope readers will learn from it?

This is the one and only book on the market that provides everything one needs to know about the current state of stem cell therapy, from the basic research to clinical study data to the FDA regulations to the enormous potential for modern medicine, written by an insider doctor who has been involved in stem cell research and clinical studies since over 25 years.  

In your book you discuss the dilemma surrounding stem cell therapy. Can you explain the top points?

The dilemma is the misconception of stem cells based on false marketing by non-scientific providers, promising cures of certain diseases versus the scientific data demonstrating its efficacy for many acute and chronic conditions. As an example, if one conducts an internet search on stem cell therapy for erectile dysfunction, within 0.2 seconds there are more than 100 million hits. 99.999% of those hits represent pure advertisements, while the actual number of patients studied and published is less than 100 patients worldwide in total, which prompted our group to publish an analysis of all available data,  and then we published our own studies with promising results.  

There seems to be a lot of misunderstanding about where stem cells are derived from. Can you explain myths vs the facts?

In general, there are two sources for stem cell retrieval, autologous, meaning from the patient self, or allogenic, i.e., from someone else. Autologous stem cells are less restricted, but also less potent since stem cells from a 75-year-old patient naturally are less in number and less in quality and thus, less potent than those cells derived from cord blood after delivery of a baby. 

How do stem cells work within a person’s body?

Stem cells have at least three to four effects in the body, which are in details outlined in my book more extensively. In brief, they are anti-inflammatory, they create new blood vessels (angiogenesis), and they rebuild damaged tissue (regeneration).    

You note in your book that individuals should ask the best questions to determine if Stem Cell Therapy is for them. Can you give us an example of what should people be asking their physicians?

The individual interested in stem cell therapy should most importantly evaluate the scientific background and reputation of the providers who want to do stem cell therapy. Some good questions could be: What did they publish? What studies did they participate in? What protocols are they using?  

 Can you tell us where stem cells are making a difference in modern medicine right now?

Stem cell therapy is going to change the entire paradigm from reactive medicine to regenerative medicine. 

Where do you see stem cells being used in the future? What research is most exciting in this area?

Stem cell therapy will expand to every single degenerative disease phenomenon, whether it is in the heart, the brain, or the skeletal system, to name a few. Especially the potential for vascular diseases from treating heart attacks to strokes to blindness are the most exciting for me personally as a cardiologist since it might potentially prolong life and improve quality of life in the future. 

Let’s talk about the relationship between aging and anti-aging medicine. How can we improve sick care vs health care, and other items? 

There are several chapters in the book on aging, anti-aging, and anti-aging management. Aging is now considered  not only a natural process but also a disease for many, and age is the number one risk factor for dying. The mainstay of anti-aging medicine is in regeneration by use of stem cells, which will repair age-induced degenerative damage rather than just dealing with the consequences of damage in the very near future.    

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